A program for adults who consider themselves lovers and artists and are curious about the ways we can embody our birth-right and capacity for sexuality, creativity, aliveness, and pleasure.
SEPT. 29 – OCT. 2
You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, a light breeze smelling of the sea – it turns you on one day and the next you scarcely notice it.
Our sexuality and libido is a dance, a movement of energy that shifts and changes all through our lives, sometimes from moment to moment: you have just broken up, you long to be kissed, you are polyamorous, queer, cis, bursting with sexual passion, asexual, trans, celibate, desire-less, broken, hopeful, curious, resigned, a tree-lover, clueless, practiced, aching, lonely, happy solo, in between, tired, inspired…
The more we can bring our curiosity, creativity, and courage to this innate part of our beings, the more our potential for a full, satisfying, evolving and pleasure-filled connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us.
You will learn…
This Lab includes 4 optional half our sessions for a look ‘behind the scenes’ from a professional perspective for an understanding it’s relevance to daily life and the intention, structure and purpose of each session.
One of my most memorable experiences in 30 years on conscious dance floors. A powerful release of difficult feelings. I felt completely safe and I loved the combination of skill, clarity, depth and humor.
— Deborah Bacon Dilts, USA
We will practice using some of Open Floor’s core movement resources to come back to the sensations in our physical body, to identify and familiarize ourselves with our sexual and emotional energy, and to give ourselves permission and encouragement to dance with pleasure, joy, and beauty.
The Lab will be offered in a clear and boundaried container with a team of skilled teachers from a variety of backgrounds. It is designed for people with a basic grounding in conscious movement practice (see prerequisites below).
This Lab embraces radical inclusion and acceptance of all sexual orientations, expressions, gender identities, body types, abilities and backgrounds. All are welcome!
OFI has two scholarship funds that support those who are in financial need and wish to study. To apply for either Fund, email [email protected] and ask for the application form link.
A mudra is a position in which we place our bodies to cultivate a specific awareness. The spirit of the mudra of sobriety is “neither more nor less than necessary.” We ask applicants to contemplate, in consideration of their own true needs, and all others who need help too.
OFI provides scholarships to increase the diversity of OFI students and teachers. With this Scholarship, Open Floor International is taking a first step in reaching a goal of students and teachers being reflective of the world where Open Floor is practiced. The majority of OFI’s current teachers live in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Most are European or of European descent, speak English fluently, are 35 – 65, identify as women, and are able-bodied. We are actively looking to expand our reach outside these populations with our scholarship fund. Priority is given to people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Person of Color (BIPOC), LBGQT+, gender fluid, differently abled, and/or live in less wealthy regions.
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Open Floor International is incorporated in the United States as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
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