Ground Floor Lab

An Exploration of Life Through Movement for Personal Healing, Professional Growth, and Community Building

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The next step in your embodiment education

A foundation in the most up to date approaches to embodiment and mindful movement, our Ground Floor Lab is an intensive, experiential, 30 hour introduction to the Open Floor curriculum. You’ll come away with an understanding of the core teachings and practical skills to use them in your movement practice, your everyday life, workplace and communities.

Our Ground Floor Labs attract people from a wide range of professional backgrounds interested in expanding their skills and knowledge of using the body in movement as a resource for both personal and professional applications.


Bring the Benefits of Open Floor Movement Practice Into Your Life, Your Work, and Your Community.

Open Floor movement practice has the power to:

  • improve physical and emotional health
  • reduce isolation and loneliness by increasing a sense of belonging
  • build new, more resilient neural pathways in the face of perceived differences and conflict
  • slow cognitive decline
  • mitigate the deleterious effects of our increasingly sedentary lifestyles
  • reduce the effects of trauma

The time is now. Will you join the movement revolution?

“The skills you obtain with Open Floor are life skills. How to navigate when you are off center or unbalanced. How to resource the ground beneath us as a place of refuge. How to grow our capacity to be with what is uncomfortable in a new way, perhaps a kinder and more compassionate way. To be able to track our own window of tolerance and how to be of service to those around us.”
Michael Molin-Skelton
Movement Teacher, Pappa, Husband, Lover, Clown

Curriculum Highlights

Each movement session includes a look ‘behind the scenes’ from a professional perspective for an understanding of the intention, structure and purpose of each experience.

"The content taught was rich, varied and engaging. Very professional and at the same time authentic, vulnerable and real. I've been practicing inquiry movement in some different ways, but I've never experienced anything quite like this."

Who is it for?

All Open Floor content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY-SA 4.0). This means you can put what you have learned into immediate good use in your personal and professional environments once you have completed the Lab.

This training is particularly suited to:

  • Dedicated, long-term movers interested in knowing more about Open Floor movement practice and how it works. It is also a part of our ongoing training curriculum and serves as a prerequisite in any future training offered through Open Floor International.
  • Professionals of any field who want to bring embodiment into their work and communities, including:
    1. Coaches, trainers, or teachers of an embodiment, movement, or dance meditation practice looking for inspiration and new skills
    2. Professionals in social care, health care, mind-body therapies, education, and emergency services, who want to integrate embodiment and mindful movement into their work
    3. Mental health professionals who already work with an embodied approach, or want to do so


Open Floor practice can support professionals in the corporate sector to be in their authority, authenticity, and integrity in an embodied, considerate, and empathic way to improve efficiency, understanding, and productivity in teamwork and leadership.

Words From Our Students

Momentum and confidence

This GFL took place at a key moment for me, since I am in the process of changing professional activities. It gave me a lot of momentum, clarification and confidence.
Romain Bouillo

Amazing experience

What an experience to attend the GFL from the comfort of my home - this was the most creative and interactive zoom workshop I have ever attended. I danced my feet off, I came alive, connected with myself and others and gained resources for life that help me self-regulate. This is such an asset for the times we live in! I feel grateful for such an amazing experience!!

New dimensions to my dance practice

The Ground Floor Lab has added new dimensions to my dance practice. Open Floor is the first movement practice that has enabled me to bring my mind fully onto the dance floor whilst still allowing total freedom and surrender to my body and emotions

Essential Information & Registration