Griet Verstraete


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Fascinated and passionate about tapping into the wisdom of the body and working with the breath through awareness and conscious movement.I’m an Open Floor Embodied Movement teacher, Therapy-in-Motion practitioner and Transformational Breath® Facilitator and Trainer.Co-creator of the “Wheel of life” school, offering trainings in self development and self leadership.I facilitate workshops and individual sessions, combining the power of conscious breath and embodied movement.For 6 years I was part of the IBF Admin Team and part of the admin team of Atman, the Austrian breathwork association. I was a staff-member of the Belgian Association for creative therapy for many years.Some of my qualifications – Certified Open Floor embodied movement teacher – Certified Open Floor Therapy-in-Motion practitioner ( – Certified Transformational Breath facilitator/trainer ( – Certified Conscious Breathwork for Trauma & Recovery (IBF) – Trained in Dance Movement Therapy, Laban & Bartenieff fundamentals, Reichian bio-energetics, Active meditations, Somatic experience ( – Trained in Authentic Movement ( & Patrizia Pallaro – Certified Traumahealing fundamentals ( – Reiki I certified (