Jane Belshaw


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I have been dancing most of my life. I trained in classical ballet and found 5 rhythms 18 years ago. I remain passionately curious about the practice and consider myself a movement practitioner first and foremost.With this in mind I am currently receiving and offering Open Floor teachings (founded by three of my formative teachers).I am part of the team designing the mentoring programme for the teacher training programme alongside being a  mentor for students and a working member of Open Floor International.I consider all my colleagues and students as my teachers – they each move and articulate the teachings in such a different way which keeps me endlessly curious and on the dance floors of more experienced and newer teachers.  My classes evolve from what I learn from all these colourful experiences.I teach 5 rhythms in the UK, in Europe and in Russia. I am co-creating Open Floor classes in London and am currently teaching both newcomers who have not considered themselves dancers before and ongoing groups to dancers who wish to dive deeper in to their connection with movement. I consider myself so blessed to have met and worked so extensively with Gabrielle Roth in her lifetime, and with Kathy Altman, Lori Salzburg, and Andrea Juhan and their team of amazing teachers.I hope you find your way to a dance floor soon.