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Coming from an extensive background of Conscious Dance and Psychotherapy, I offer classes, workshops, coaching, supervision and community dance ritual spaces in Totnes where I live and workshops internationally. I accredited as a 5 Rhythms teacher at both Waves (2004) and Heartbeat level (2007).  I have been a staff member and faculty teacher for  The School of Movement Medicine since the school began in 2007 and have recently graduated as an Open Floor teacher with Open Floor International.

For the last 10 years I have worked with many clients offering personal and professional coaching and mentoring. Having trained extensively in Core Process Psychotherapy at the The Karuna InstituteBiosynthesis Body Psychotherapy, Voice Movement Therapy and Transpersonal Supervision,I worked as an accredited psycho-spiritual, body based psychotherapist and supervisor for 20 years in private practice. For 12 years I was a senior staff member and trainer on the MA Program in Core Process Psychotherapy at The Karuna Institute. I also learnt much during the year I spent studying Facilitation for Leaders with CFOR (Process Work).

In the last three years I have been exploring ways of bringing my process and facilitation skills into wider contexts In particular I have offered trainings on Personal Resilience in Challenging Times and The Work That Reconnects to Transition Town Totnes, and Conflict Fundamentals to Transition Network staff. I have also had the opportunity to co-shape and co-facilitate the international Transition Network Conferences in 2011 and 2012.

I delight in movement as a spiritual practice, discovering again and again how it returns me to myself and the simple ground of being. I have also been blessed to be a student of Suprapto Suryodarmo (Prapto, Amerta Movement) and Giles Petit (voice) for many years. Meditation has been a central part of my life for 35 years in Buddhist and Sufi traditions.

My work is informed by 5 RhythmsMovement MedicineOpen FloorJoanna MacySuprapto Suryodarmo’s Amerta Movement, my background in mindfulness and body based psychotherapy and meditation, the Transition Movement, and contemporary Integral teachers, currently Thomas Hubl.