Movement has always been my passion and closest companion; my first love. My second love is language and poetry. By the age of 17, after pursuing a professional dance training – I was on the cusp of stepping into my dream dance career in Israel by joining a fantastic dance company. It all came crashing down when out of the blue during class I stopped moving… everything went slo-mo..I looked around in wonder and horror. I could not feel the LOVE in the room any more. I could not feel the thread connecting me back to the love-of-dance I remembered from childhood. It had become a physically painful and emotionally torturous competitive business. I had bought the illusion and was waking up with a thud. I abandoned my dance career and training of 14 years in one day. I felt lost and confused.Who was I if I wasn’t a DANCER? And what was a “Dancer” anyway?? Who determined this? If you loved to move, was that enough to qualify? Were there any moves that WEREN’T ‘Dance’?? Did you need to have a certain body type? Did you even need to have mobile limbs? My new passion became this inquiry.This journey took me to many countries and countless fabulous teachers who, like me, were thinking waaaay outside the box of what “Dance” was. It got bigger. It became illuminating and liberating. The dancing-path transformed into a tangible expansive practice of meditation, prayer & liberation – it began to include more of myself – my creativity thrived and with it my trust in the unknown.Along the way I added different disciplines to my tool-kit. I became a Steiner Teacher (Australia), studied Story-Telling & Creative Writing (UK). I completed an undergrad degree in Voice & Theatre (NY. USA), and a Post Grad. in Dance & Creative Art Therapy (Australia.)