Catherine Gérémie

Catherine Geremie


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My belief is that our true nature as human beings is to shine. This life is a journey full of experiences searching to go back to Unity and Love.

Guided by this vision, I have been working in the field of personal development and training for more than 25 years and I became an expert in facilitating change and transformation for individuals and groups.

My Open Floor classes and workshops are fueled by all my experience, my full tool kit and my passion for dance. Through this unique set, I invite people to a deep connection to themselves, in all dimensions of their being, in a direct way through the body and the movement.

I provide a safe and open space where everything that needs to emerge is welcomed, where consciousness and change can happen and where each person can fully and freely embody and express who they are.

Working from the heart, my teaching is both powerful and soft, supportive and transformative, infused with sensitivity, clarity, fluidity and a deep presence.


My background Dance has always been my passion: from my early childhood when I danced everywhere as soon as I could, to my many years of choreographic dance classes and shows then to the discovery of Conscious Movement and Open Floor.In 2008, at a turning point in my existence when my whole world fell apart, dance has been like a light in the darkness allowing me to find my way back home, to myself and to life.Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, it has been the beginning of a new life more attuned to my authentic self and my deepest values.As a Sociologist, I have never stopped exploring and training in various disciplines such as Mindfulness, Self-hypnosis, Hypnosis, Coaching, Systemic and Constellations, Energy healing, Metamorphosis® and Open Floor.All these practices help: – to listen to ourselves in a non-judgmental way, – to connect to our resources and life force, – to explore and overcome our habits and resistances, – to activate our own healing and transformational power, in order to create a life more aligned with our true selves.I am so grateful for every step and for every person who has inspired and taught me along the way. I feel blessed to be part of the beautiful Open Floor Community.My motto “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” (Extract from Invictus poem, William Ernest Henley)