Our People

Our biggest resource at Open Floor International is our community. Meet the movement teachers from around the globe who are supporting our mission with their time, skills, and passion.

Every Voice Matters

Our working members are organized in Circles, based on the principles of Dynamic Governance. While there are leaders, the power is in the group rather than any individual. This ensures that everybody has a sovereign voice in the management of the organization.

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Meet Our Working Members

At Open Floor we foster a culture of inclusion, equality and radical responsibility. One of the major factors in successfully offering our education programs globally is how Open Floor International has chosen to operate as an organization. In a world where the bottom line is often the only concern, Open Floor has rejected traditional top down hierarchical business models in favor of Dynamic Governance a non-authoritarian, collaborative model that reflects the same values of inclusion, equality and radical responsibility we teach in our practice.

Meet the people in the circles…

Top Circle / Board of Directors

Equivalent to a Board of Directors, the Top Circle sets our vision and vector, creating the broadest policies and long-term plans to guide Open Floor International. This circle supports the solvency and sustainability of Open Floor International by creating and overseeing financial policies and fundraising initiatives. This circle also ensures our work aligns with our organizational values and tends our relational field. The “Dreamers Circle” is a task force commissioned by Top Circle to research and recommend strategies for the the future of OFI.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Circle

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Circle is in development.

Educational Programs Circle

Education is at the heart of all we do at Open Floor International. The Educational Programs Circle co-ordinates and supervises the workgroups concerned with the content and delivery of all training programs for teachers and the public, provides supervision and supports for new trainers, and redesigns curriculum based on 360 feedback to ensure high quality programming. 


Mentor Circle

Supporting advanced learning and ensuring continuity, the Mentor Circle is the hub that brings together Mentors and oversees all aspects of the Mentorship program.

Art in Motion

Opening creative intelligence! The Art in Motion Circle ensures that all aspects of the creative process are represented in AIM workshops and webinars, from integrating movement with explorations of ego, to balancing engagement with both process and product.

Embodied Sexuality

The Embodied Sexuality circle oversees the clear holding of movement spaces that facilitate the exploration, creativity and embodiment of our libido. In order to explore this beautiful, fundamental energy that is every person’s natural birth right to enjoy, we stay as current as possible with the latest research around sexuality, including how sexuality intersects with gender and social justice.

Therapy in Motion

Therapy in motion explores the fertile ground of movement practice for the psyche. The Therapy in Motion Circle oversees teacher training, builds community for practitioners, and develops the Therapy in Motion curriculum.

Communications Circle

Helps spread awareness of our movement revolution and raise the visibility of Open Floor
International. The Communications Circle informs, inspires and supports the teachers, movers, and
volunteers that make up our global community through our website, social media channels and email campaigns.

Tech Circle

The Tech Circle develops and supports technology solutions, keeping all Working Members connected and supporting educational programs.

Our Founders

Founders & Founding Members

Bringing together decades of experience as leaders and trainers in the fields of conscious dance, embodiment and mindful movement, our founders created Open Floor International to further the development of movement as a healing practice.

Founding Members

Our Founding Members are movement teachers, mindfulness and embodiment experts from all over the globe. They have pooled their vast wealth of experience and knowledge, birthing a new movement practice that reflects the most current research in embodiment, science, the arts, education and mindfulness.

Words From Our Working Members

There is such generosity from experienced embodiment teachers to "give away" their work for the betterment of the whole. The positive and generative working relationships that have been developed across borders and countries is immeasurable.
It's an honour to serve the mission of Open Floor in such an inclusive and respectful environment. I love that how we work at Open Floor International is how we move on our dance floors: embodied, aware, mindful of ourselves, others and the bigger picture, always with an eye to the Common Good.
I get to work with some of the most brilliant, leading-edge somatic therapists, artists and educators from around the world. I’m honored to contribute my time and skills to Open Floor International - to give back, bring our vision to life and help shape a legacy for humanity.

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Donate to Open Floor International

Your donation will connect, heal, and grow movers around the world.



Your gift will support our efforts to diversify the field of mindful movement, develop the OFI curriculum, and expand our philanthropic programs.

Open Floor International is incorporated in the United States as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations made to Open Floor International are deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law.

We provide an electronic receipt at the time of the donation. Both the receipt you see onscreen at the completion of the donation process and the e-mail you receive shortly thereafter meet all IRS requirements as a record of donation. If you are asked to provide a paper receipt for IRS purposes, please print out a copy of your email receipt. If you need another copy of your receipt, please email us.

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