Our Practice

Open Floor movement practice offers a dynamic, creative tool kit of resources to move through life, fully embodied. We use the universal language of dance and mindfulness for self discovery, connection and healing.

Open Floor Helps You Find Flexibility, Resilience, and Ease

Open Floor is a resource based movement practice. We explore new ways of moving and responding to what is happening with intention and purpose. We learn to understand our habits and patterns for deeper insight and self awareness. The more we embody different responses in our movements, the more resources we can call on to move through life with flexibility, resilience and ease.

Open Floor brings movement to places which were stagnant. It feels empowering because it is something that you get to do for yourself. You find your own answers .”

Experience a New Way to Move Through Life

Students from around the world tell us why they choose Open Floor movement practice.

Put Mindfulness Into Motion

Move your body. Notice. Stay present. We bring attention to our bodies over and over again, fully experiencing each moment as we move, breathe, and dance, with great music and a teacher to guide us.

Benefits For Every Body

Improve physical performance, mental health, and emotional well-being.

Humans have gathered to dance since the beginning of time. Scientific research shows that dance can have a profound impact on our lives.

People who have a regular embodiment practice are more flexible and coordinated, have clearer minds, and a calm presence. When we move with others, we feel more connected to the people and the world around us. Relationships, compassion, and communities grow. In this challenging world, common sense tells us to spend time dancing.

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