Open Floor Supervision Program

Ongoing Education for Open Floor Graduates

Our supervision program is open to all Open Floor teachers and Therapy in Motion practitioners.

Supervision is the interaction that occurs when supervisee and supervisor meet and look into the work experience in order for the supervisee to receive support on the teaching path. 

OFI highly recommends that teachers have professional supervision.

In Supervision we will…

  • Reflect on the content and process of the teaching practice
  • Expand the language and knowledge of Open Floor curriculum
  • Receive feedback in a constructive way
  • Develop tools and resources in the field of relations: between teachers, students, colleagues, teacher and group, etc.
  • Develop and understand skills in the teaching practice
  • Ensure that as a person and as a teacher, you don’t need to carry difficulties, problems, and projections alone
  • Have a space to explore and express personal distress and activating triggers in the teaching practice

The differences between mentoring during the training and post graduation professional supervision

  • In mentoring there is a plan to follow and set items for the agenda: review of practice classes, electives, progress along the timeline of the training.
  • In supervision the supervisor follows the content brought by the supervisee.
  • In mentoring there is a set number of sessions known in advance.
  • In supervision the number and frequency of sessions is co-created by Supervisor and supervisee, and is determined by the needs of the supervisee and availability of the Supervisor

Pricing & payment

Pricing for supervision hour will be determined by each supervisor based on their level of experience, local market and economy.

Open Floor International recommends a price range of $75-$150.

Group supervision starting at $40 per participant per hour.

Payment and all arrangements will be set directly between the supervisor and supervisee.

Our Supervisors

We offer a pool of highly experienced teachers that are qualified to give Open Floor – based supervision and provide a supportive space to grow and develop as teachers.