Sarena Wolfaard



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Sarena is a 5Rhythms Teacher accredited by Gabrielle Roth. She offers regular 5Rhythms® and Open Floor (Open Floor International) drop in classes in Scotland. Sarena has been practicing 5Rhythms® dance since 2000 and has been teaching since 2004. She qualified as an Open Floor teacher early 2017. She is a UKCP registered psychotherapist in Process Work and offers one to one sessions, works with couples and groups. She is a Publisher and co-founder of Handspring Publishing, where she works with researchers and prominent teachers in the fields of manual therapy, yoga, Pilates, Somatics and dance. She reads and studies widely in the area of movement, mindfulness, embodiment and trauma.She co-authored a chapter titled The 5Rhythms Movement practice: Journey to Wellbeing, Empowerment, and Transformation in The Oxford Handbook of Dance and Wellbeing, published in 2017. Sarena teaches from an understanding of the physiology and biomechanics of the body, as well as from a deep personal experience of interoception, proprioception, movement and the psyche. Her approach in classes is to allow space for what needs to emerge through movement, encouraging freedom and the unexpected into the dance. She approaches her therapy/coaching sessions with curiosity, compassion and non-judgement.