Irit Ziv-Ron


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I was a moving child… moving to make thing whole… dancing to collect the different parts of me… dancing to express what I had no words for… dancing in my room after school, dancing in the elevator because there was music, dancing to my inner music… After many moving years, I am still moving… embodying change, connections, disconnections… dancing with a sense of joy, vitality and continuity… engaging in the movement of life.Being in my body, moving and dancing, coordinates and weaves being who I am: a woman, a mother, a partner, a therapist, a daughter and a teacher; offering the simplest way in the complex mix of what is going on within and without. As a movement therapist, I have danced in psychiatric hospitals, mental health clinics, universities, military units and many dance venues.I live and work in Tel Aviv, Israel, where I Open the Floor for the many layers and dimensions of being human, exploring the dance of an embodied experience in groups, workshops and individual sessions. We dance to reconnect to our humaneness, vulnerability and might. This dance is an essence in our times of the body being disavowed and the mind disembodied.I am a Dance Movement Psychotherapist working with individuals and groups, certified in movement therapy, psychotherapy and group therapy. I have taught movement therapy in a variety of academic settings for the past 22 years.We all have reasons for moving. For me, dancing allows us to encounter the range of matter and spirit, protection and expression, clear awareness and dreaming. Listening in honor to our body as it speaks the dance of stability, motility, change and creativity we engage in the unfolding dance of being alive.