Lucie Nérot


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I live in France, with my partner and step children, and, for the past 20 years, have been teaching internationally, leading youth projects, interpreting for fabulous teachers.I am a founding member of the great OFI adventure: an ongoing exploration in collective intelligence, and a huge growth opportunity.Where did this adventure really start?…I was born dancing across borders: an English mother and a French father, a communist grandmother and roots in the upper class. Maybe that’s why the dance felt like home, movement like a necessity; and bridging became a natural talent of mine. Bridging East and West, privileged and underprivileged, rational and magical, etc.After a deep commitment to academic life, I followed my passion for seeking and dancing. I studied with Richard Moss, Gabrielle Roth, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Andrea Juhan, to name a few, absorbing their wisdom, wildness, and art for exploration, poetry, healing and being.  They have nourished my teaching path and my personal journey.12 years ago I lead my first project in Cambodia. With teenagers living in poverty, with very few words, I experienced the language of movement as universal. It made it across the borders between their world and mine, and between their challenges and suffering, and their shining soul.In a moment of grace, I knew in my bones that all my life had prepared me for this moment, and my whole being was washed by a river of light, blessing my past: the heart breaks, the failures, the detours, it was all alright. Of course this moment of grace, like any other moment, passed … and the human struggles returned. But I know I am loved, I know this place of pure being.It is the foundation of my teaching, the touchstone of my life.I teach in France (Paris, Lyon), Switzerland (Basel), Germany  (Berlin), the Czech Republic (Prague).