Creativity On and Off The Dance FloorI am Sarah Davies and I love to help people who want to revive, enhance and engage with their creative spark. I am a founding member of Open Floor International and I’ve developed my own blend of art and dance as an online group with optional workshops: Dance Your Art Out. The course combines three strands from my life – creativity, movement and digital technology.Art was my first calling. After art college and working in an environmental sculpture organisation, I became a resident artist exhibiting work and making art to commission. As I approached 30, I had a change of direction, becoming computer literate and found office work in London creating graphics. After sitting all day, I explored therapeutic and embodiment classes, going to Tai Chi, Kundalini yoga, shamanic trance dance, shamanic journeying and Gestalt therapy, eventually finding my way to 5Rhythms®.Returning to study, I combined my computer skills with art by completing a part-time MA in The Digital Moving Image (2003 London Metropolitan University), then taught Multimedia Design, encouraging creativity in higher education.In 2003, life took a huge u-turn with the birth of my twins. One of those twins is now a thriving teenager and the other twin died at 9 months old. The complexity and intensity of this tragedy changed my life completely. I feel as if my inner world had a very clear ‘before’ and ‘after’. Part of my way of managing the grief, alongside therapy, was to keep dancing. So I did just that and in 2008 trained to teach 5Rhythms® with Gabrielle Roth.Based in East Sussex, I’ve been teaching weekly classes since 2008 and many workshops in the UK and abroad. Now in my early 50s, I’m enjoying integrating my art, movement and digital skills and experience with Dance Your Art Out.