Physiotherapist, Relaxation & Breathing Therapist, Centering Facilitator & Coach, Open Floor Movement Teacher, Facilitator for Therapy in Motion.Apprenticeship in Open Floor Encounter. 5Rhythms® Teacher, Waves & Heartbeat.I started my worklife as an independent physiotherapist in the nineties and taught at Flanders University (Howest) department of physiotherapy and later at the department of occupational therapy. (massage, relaxation & breathing therapy, limph drainage, general physiotherapy, vision on wellness in the occupational therapy, mentoring, …)In the meanwhile I was offering classes, workshops, trainings for personal growth in several organizations. (groups for women, ongoing trainings for couples, breathing & relaxation therapy, teambuilding, anchor days for youngsters, corporate days).I was searching for a homebase and in 1996 I founded, with 3 other people, Open Huis, a centre for language, art and movement in Staden. Here I grew as a teacher, learned the skills of management and started teaching dance and movement. Eventually we founded Souldance: School and Clinic for Centrosofie & Centered Living. This is where I teach today with my husband and an enthusiastic team. I am responsible for the daily management.(Open Floor Movement, Therapy in Motion, 5Rhythms® waves & heartbeat, massage, relaxation & breathing therapy, personal growth, centering, bodyspirit, centering movement, coaching. Individual therapy, classes, workshops, trainer & mentor in the professional training program).