Hi! I’m Rata. I love tending to communities of creative practice. I especially enjoy creating beautiful messes in the spaces between poetry, dance, visual arts and theatre.I am a poet and my first collection of poetry titled Second Person was published in June 2020 with Victoria University Press. My poetry has also appeared in publications including Best New Zealand Poems, Landfall, Sport, and The Spinoff.I have been practising using ‘movement as medicine’ for 12 years. I am an Open Floor dance teacher and completed my training through Open Floor International.My movement practice feeds and is fed by my writing practice: the art of connecting to, and amplifying our strange and wonderful ‘inner voices’. I am currently running online movement and writing sessions.I am in the final stages of my Masters in Arts Therapy through Whitecliffe College. In 2019 I wrote my dissertation titled ‘Dreaming with my body: Arts-based research, expressive arts therapy, and new motherhood.’My background is in working in community development and mental health. I currently offer workshops that promote wellbeing through creative practice for schools, businesses and other organisations. Contact me for more information.I am currently based in Raglan, New Zealand.