Teri McNeil


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The common thread throughout my life has been the JOY OF DANCE and I’m so grateful to be able to share that with the world through facilitating this for others.Starting dance classes at the age of three led me to fifteen years of ballet training and performing with professional dance companies. In adulthood I discovered conscious dance groups and creative dance in particular. Loving improvisation and metaphor making through movement exploration led me to decide to become a teacher myself. Five years of higher education prepared me for the work I do now. As a professional dance movement therapist, I run a number of weekly groups that specialize in supporting people who are neurodivergent. I have enjoyed working in this field for over 15 years. My newest endeavour has been adding Open Floor teaching and principles to my toolkit and refreshing my skills. I have been inspired to start a woman’s group, called Saturday Sisters, which has been running for three years now and was even successfully transferred to an online offering during 2020. I greatly enjoy the sense of expression, enquiry and community building given and received from the groups I facilitate and I look forward to continued learning and sharing.Through my teaching my belief has been strengthened in the power of dance for health and well-being. Open Floor supports growth and health in all our dimensions of humanity; body, mind, emotions and soul. The skills and expression we discover, explore and practice in classes are all transferable to our life off the dance floor and this is my mission. Through the enjoyment of dance and movement, I offer resources that can add to one’s life.