Claudia Pichl



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My enthusiasm since many years goes towards “integrating” of aspects, levels, parts – I love to integrate especially the body and the feelings into our process of self-discovery and self-development as well as co-discovery and co-development. I am a full-hearted follower of Andrea Juhan since the 90s, having been diving into experiences and finally trainings of IBP (Integrated Body Psychotherapy) and 5Rhythms. In both of them I became certified end of the last century – as IBP Practitioner (with Markus Fischer, Switzerland) and 5Rhythms teacher (with Gabrielle Roth, USA). Shortly after I found ‘my 3rd leg’ in the School of Lost Borders of Meredith Little and Steven Foster in California, and became a Visionquest and Medicine wheel guide – another field and path of integrating sensing, feeling, thinking and soul-level experience – this time in the mirror of wild nature. Back home in Vienna I joined my husband Franz P. Redl in his institute Shambhala as the first Austrian 5Rhythms teacher, started my private practice as IBP Practitioner and founded together with him our Wilderness School, where we also trained people to guide Visionquests. We always love(d) to invite our teachers to Shambhala, and so Andreas Juhan came to Austria many times as well as Kathy Altman, Steven Foster, Meredith Little and others… Last year my beloved husband died after a long journey of us being with his neuro-degenerative disease. When Andrea and Kathy and Vic and Lori founded Open Floor International I very clearly wanted to join in the OF Teacher training and OF Therapy-in-Motion training. Since then I teach OF classes (in addition to 5rhythms classes), guide OF Therapy-in Motion groups and combine IBP with OF Therapy-in Motion in my individual practice. Also again I love to combine OF with my nature based work and with IBP in workshops. It feels wonderful and I am grateful to be part of such a rich and colorful and powerful movement and community as Open Floor has developed into.