Kerry-Ann Stanton


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I am a fifth generation New Zealander, a dance ‘aficionado’ of long standing, dancing for personal re-creation since I was born and a keen audience forever. Passionate, creative, innovative, resilient and energetic, I am deeply committed to sharing the role of dance in transformative living. To creating safe, sacred and intentional space for movement exploration.I am a Registered Open Floor Dance Teacher, teaching Dancing Doyennes (a contemporary class for seniors), Sit Walk Dance (a movement meditation class), and InSpirited Aging (a weekly practice of movement, writing, art making & conversation). Plus a Post-Graduate of the Creative & Performing Arts – Dance Studies, Auckland University and a practising Funeral Celebrant and Educator.My life goal is to bring all of myself and dance into life. As the Peanuts character is quoted as saying, “to dance is to live”.