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Having moved a lot in this world, experiencing different areas of study and work I realized that moving with life as it is can be a challenging, fascinating and beautiful path. After finishing my Master of Science in Vienna and flying part time as a flight attendant in those years I gave birth to my twins and entered in another view of the world of me and of my body. Who am I and who are we always was an interesting question to me. I started to do a spiritual practice and worked with a Life coach.2 years after I had my kids we moved to the United States where I learned the transformational body work “body memory recall” from Jonathan Tripodi which I am currently teaching in Austria and working with. At the same time I started dancing a lot of 5Rhythms until I heard of Open Floor being founded. Taking a class with Kathy and Lori and a little later with Andrea I was ready for the next step on my path and took the first teacher training with Open Floor.Moving back to Austria, a lot of change has happened in my life. I decided to also certify in my home country as a life coach and trainer which I am finishing soon.