Welcome to Mighty Networks

Supporting Open Floor teachers in their personal and professional growth

Dear Teacher,

This year, Open Floor International is celebrating its first decade, and our organisation is reaching the next stage in its evolution. Over the past 18 months, we have gathered our dreams and shared our experiences, wishes and needs as Open Floor teachers. 

We’ve been heard…

As an international community of teachers, one of the things we want the most is an online space for connection and collaboration. Mighty Networks, is this, and much more… By coming together, we can create a stronger network of peers who are  passionate about the transformative power of our practice and are dedicated to expanding their skills and making a meaningful impact on the world.

Here’s what you’ll find in our new home:

  • A beautiful calendar to post your events
  • Your teacher profile page – easy to customise and automatically listing your events
  • A space to chat and connect with other teachers and find inspiration for your teaching
  • The Open Floor Curriculum – all available material with the latest updates
  • Pro.Motion & Branding resources –  all the logos you need
  • Your Teacher Certificate
  • A space for Continued Professional Development courses
  • Easy to use on any device, just download the app or open in a browser. Intuitive and familiar layout.
  • Like Facebook but better, like Instagram but prettier, like Teachable but smoother: no adverts, algorithms, or promoted content (no hate 💙).


Mighty Networks also allows us to move away from the “free” social media platforms that we have been using for many years. These platforms are not actually free. They are exploiting and monetising our attention, and driving the worldwide disembodiment and mental health crisis. As movement teachers this is exactly what we are challenging and supporting people to shift away from. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our new home online.

OFI Board of Directors / Top Circle

Audrey, Bence, Catherine, Deborah, Lynn, Sascha, Vic

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead

Based on the information below, find a contribution that works for you.

What’s the most you are willing to pay for this membership that feels in line with your values and that values your belonging in this community?

As a non-profit with a social justice mission, OFI does not have access to mainstream sources of funding or credit in a market economy. We rely on donations to keep doing our work. Thank you for your contribution.

Useful to know…

  • You can change to a different membership option at any point; this part is fluid 😊
  • The membership options allow for variations in local currencies and economic realities in different world regions. 
  • Please note that the currency you pick at registration cannot be changed to another currency without creating a new profile.
  • If you don’t have a credit card, choose the Sponsored Membership (Free), and we will be in touch with instructions for payment.
  • If you would like to start donating right away, please get in touch with Catherine, our Fundraising lead:  [email protected]

Please note that this membership scheme is for Open Floor teachers ONLY. Please do not share this page with anyone outside of our community.

Choose your membership option

Sponsored Membership

$ 0 monthly
  • If you do not have the financial means to take part in this community or you are not willing to pay for the services it provides, you are welcome to join with a Sponsored Membership. Your membership will be covered by other members.

Supported Membership

$ 5 monthly
  • If your financial situation means this is the most you can afford right now, contributions from other memberships will make it possible for you to join.

Basic Membership

$ 10 monthly
  • If you don't have a lot of extra money available and choose this basic contribution, you will be ensuring that the platform has the minimum financing to stay up and running.

Fair Price Membership

$ 15 monthly
  • If everyone gives this much, the community will be both sustainable and have the resources to thrive and expand its reach with a team of working members supporting that.

Supporter Membership

$ 20 monthly
  • For those who are financially stable and have their own basic needs covered. You are supporting every member to belong to this community and benefit from the same resources, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Supporter+ Membership

$ 25 monthly
  • For those who are financially stable and have their own basic needs covered. You are supporting every member to belong to this community and benefit from the same resources, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Donor Membership

$ 500 yearly
  • This is for those who have enough to share generously with others and who want to support the work of Open Floor International. As a non-profit with a social justice mission, OFI does not have access to mainstream sources of funding or credit in a market economy. We rely on donations to keep doing our work. By paying the donor contribution, you ensure that more and more Open Floor teachers can bring our curriculum unhindered into the world and serve change!

Donor+ Membership

$ 1000 yearly
  • This is for those who have enough to share generously with others and who want to support the work of Open Floor International. As a non-profit with a social justice mission, OFI does not have access to mainstream sources of funding or credit in a market economy. We rely on donations to keep doing our work. By paying the donor contribution, you ensure that more and more Open Floor teachers can bring our curriculum unhindered into the world and serve change!

Custom Membership

$ your choice
  • Would you like to contribute with a different monthly or yearly amount? We're happy to accommodate you and create a membership just for you. Please get in touch to arrange this.


Get in touch if you have questions, need help or just want to say hello