Continuums Resources

The Open Floor Curriculum Resources include articles, videos, playlists and further reading suggestions to support your learning.

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Global Impact Story

V is for Vector

Making a difference with the Open Floor International Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Scholarship fund. Simone simply wouldn’t have been able to participate in the Open

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Global Impact Story

Reshaping The Future

A common purpose and a shared intention… Jo Woods & Sarah Winter, Open Floor teachers from Melbourne, Australia, are using Open Floor movement practice to

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Common Sense and Emotional Embodiment

What is Emotional Embodiment?

Being emotionally embodied is being the artist of your emotions Emotional Embodiment is about having a physical language for your emotions so that you can

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Gay Murphy Open Floor Teacher

A lifelong movement practice

Teacher Highlight: Gay Murphy “These days I encourage and hopefully inspire; I teach and expect less but we all gain more.” Gay Murphy – Open

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Dance for Life with Open Floor movement practice
Global Impact Story

Dance for Life

One of the most important tenants of the Open Floor movement practice is to make dance accessible to everyone, regardless of age. Our movement practice

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The Four Relational Hungers

At the core of Open Floor philosophy is the understanding that “we are always in relationship”. We are in relationship not only with each other

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Open Floor Movement Cycle

A Movement Cycle for Life

The Open Floor Movement Cycle is a useful intellectual and embodied map of how physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy moves through time and space.

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A resource based movement practice

Open Floor is a resource-oriented movement practice. Resourcing ourselves is an ongoing process we can use to build resilience and capacity. Resources provide support, sustenance,

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chalenges ahead sign
Global Impact Story

Moving Through Difficult Times

Catherine Martella walks into an  Open Floor movement class led by Theva Indrasenan, in Freemantle, Western Australia.  She says that before she started dancing with

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Open Floor for the Homeless
Global Impact Story

At Home on the Dance Floor

It’s a Wednesday morning at the Primavera Emergency Men’s Shelter in Tucson, Arizona (USA) and a dozen homeless men are sitting in a circle, waiting

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